Beautiful birthday blooms in our sunset bouquet delivered to your loved ones, this boquet may contain Yellow,Orange and light pink Roses, spray roses, bright carnations, luscious foliage and some natives if available in a stunning bright and colourful bouquet. Our flowers are are available for delivery to all suburbs within Melbourne and we have excellent promotions for all deliveries within South Morang, Mernda, Doreen, Epping, Mill Park, Wollert and surrounding suburbs.
Please note our bouquets may vary slightly to those pictured due to availability of flowers but we will always deliver fresh and try go above and beyond to meet customer expectations.
Substitution Policy
Due to the unique and seasonal nature of flowers the product pictured is a guide. Our florist will make every effort to ensure it is as close as possible to the image pictured and description. However Due to seasonal availability, local availability, gift and container availability there are times when this is impossible, and our florist will use the closest possible substitute.
Exclusive Gifts love making unique arrangements from flowers that are in season so that you receive a fresh beautiful floral gift. Trust us to use the main flowers mentioned combined with seasonal complimenting varieties when certain flowers aren`t available or are sold out to receive a beautiful unique floral gift.
If certain flowers or containers are unavailable we will substitute it with another item of similar design, colour, quality and price.
If choosing a different colour/flower scheme our florists will select as many mentioned flowers combined with seasonal flowers to create a custom gift.
By checking out you agree to our substitution policy.